From Broadway music to guitarists, the performers evoked emotions of happiness, passion and standing ovations from the crowd.
Lynise Olivacce
Lynise Olivacce
Major: Journalism and Digital Media | Minor(s): Criminal Justice & Justice and Families | Fun Fact: I played the clarinet for 6 years, I have a twin.
FeatureHomepage Feature StoryStudent Side Hustle
Montclair State Student Jordan Stewart Works To Create New Civics Course
“I feel it’s very important for us to know the rules of the game in order to play the game.”
The long-awaited reopening of Montclair State University’s Red Hawk Diner is finally here.
Black History Month was celebrated at Montclair State University with a procession led by university police and members of the Black community.
It was the height of the pandemic and the beginning of the fall 2020 semester when Montclair State University’s gymnastics club was created.
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, Montclair State University is requiring students to get their COVID-19 booster shot by March 1.