Student Life At Montclair (SLAM) kicked off the season of spring with Spring Week, a week full of exciting, on-trend events.
Clubs and Classroom Spotlights
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#FOCUSFashion: The Brotherhood Shaping Men’s Present and Future Display with Necktie Tuesdays
by Aidan Iversby Aidan IversThe Brotherhood is an SGA-certified organization on campus and their weekly Necktie Tuesday meetings demonstrate how an intentional sense of fashion can help men’s outlook of not only themselves but …
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Yoga: A Path to Healing Trauma
Free yoga classes were offered on campus in support of Sexual Assault Awareness Month through Montclair State University’s Writing Women’s Safe course.
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Black Student Union: Bringing Black Students Together
by Ariana Ortizby Ariana OrtizSince 1965, this on-campus organization has given African American students a place to call home.
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Red Hawks Rising: How A Montclair State Initiative is Preparing the Teachers of Tomorrow
by Sal DiMaggioby Sal DiMaggioThe program with the Newark Board of Education is helping Red Hawks from Newark return to their home nest to teach.
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Hillel Makes a Comeback
by Aliza Rheinby Aliza RheinThe campus club Hillel was decimated by the coronavirus (COVID-19). Now, with a new board and holiday events, they’re slowly growing, hoping to see bigger numbers in the to come.
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Rocky’s Closet: Dressing Students For Success
Recruiting season is all year round. Creating resumes and preparing elevator pitches are becoming second nature for Montclair State University students. With so much preparation for the future, students can …
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EOF Barbershop: Making Men Leaders the Old School Way
by Sal DiMaggioby Sal DiMaggioThe revamping of the Male Leadership Academy aims to engage students in the discussions they have while doing their wallets a favor as well.