Steve Jobs is a biopic chronicling the life of Apple founder, Steve Jobs. It is directed by Danny Boyle and stars Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen and Jeff Daniels.
Steve Jobs is the second biopic about the creator of Apple to come out in recent years. The difference between this film and the 2011 film Jobs, starring Ashton Kutcher, is that, rather than doing a traditional biography, telling the person’s life story and showing his whole lifespan on the big screen, this film has a structure that is similar to a three-act play and only spans certain portions of Jobs’ life.
The first act takes place in 1984, when the Macintosh was released and we see part of Jobs’ family life. The second act takes place in 1988, when the new computer called the Cube is being released and the audience sees how Jobs’ relationships with his coworkers and family are starting to get hectic. The final act is in 1998, when the iMac is released.
I was really looking forward to Steve Jobs because of the immense talent of the cast. After watching this movie, I can confidently say that this is 2015’s The Social Network. In other words, this movie is absolutely spectacular and completely Oscar-worthy.
Another reason for the comparison with The Social Network is that it is written by the same screenwriter, Aaron Sorkin. Steve Jobs is a movie that has no violence, drugs or sex. It is a film that has nothing but dialogue, yet the movie somehow grasps your attention and the conversations are so intense and fascinating that you honestly aren’t concerned with the runtime. Fassbender delivers the best performance by a male actor this year so far. He brought such intensity and emotion to his role that I was convinced that he actually was Steve Jobs playing himself. He 100 percent nails it in every scene.

Michael Fassbender takes on the role of Steve Jobs in this biopic.
Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore (Flickr)
The rest of the cast is incredible and everyone delivers such a great performance. Sometimes, you forget that these are actors acting for a movie. It’s as if we’re looking at real people having arguments.
I cannot recommend this film enough. Even if you are someone who does not really know anything about the history of Apple, I implore everyone to go see it. Not only will this film be nominated for many Academy Awards, it will be one of the most memorable movies of 2015.