Warning: This article contains spoilers for “Attack on Titan.”
It’s hard to follow up on last week’s episode of “Attack on Titan,” considering it was the best episode so far in the series.
With the walls crashing down, the army of the colossal titan behind Eren Yeager and the aftershock the characters experience, it is still a fulfilling episode that perfectly flows with the narrative that “Attack on Titan” characters expertly laid down.
The young soldier of the Marley Military, Gabi Braun, has finally grown into a semi-likable character after her longtime appearance in the series.
In defense of the Gabi hatred within the “Attack on Titan” fandom, she had a life that strongly contrasted to those who lived inside the walls of Paradis Island. She was the role of the enemy for killing the beloved character, Sasha Blouse, and her die-hard hatred for the people in Paradis Island.
It’s important to note Gabi is still a child. Her opinion and understanding of the world are molded by her surroundings.
As the Blouse family hid Gabi and her friend, Falco Grice, Gabi was hesitant and dismissive of the family’s kindness. Despite fully knowing Gabi killed Sasha, the family’s younger daughter, they still saved her from being taken by Paradis soldiers.
Maybe their final genuine moment of kindness turned the tables for Gabi’s understanding of the people in Paradis. She eloquently shot a titan’s mouth to save the Blouse daughter, Kaya, who deeply loved her older sister Sasha.

After defeating the titan that was about to eat her, Kaya sees Gabi as Sasha for a brief moment.
Photo courtesy of MAPPA
Kaya, who plays a passive character, had a pivotal moment in Gabi’s understanding of Paradis. The trauma of war came full circle as Gabi takes a higher route of saving her.
Gabi’s goal of trying to kill everyone in Paradis completely turned around. Her goal has changed, and it is simply to save her friend, Falco, who inherited the jaw titan as a final sacrifice from Porco Galliard.

We see Mikasa’s growth as a fighter in these scenes as she kills titans like a pro.
Photo courtesy of MAPPA
The only problem is Falco is unconscious and in the hands of Connie Springer, who wants to feed Falco to his mother. Connie has been visiting his mother who turned into a titan for four years and is currently stranded in the wreckage of their home.
Of course, it wouldn’t be an “Attack on Titan” episode without the epic fight scenes of Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert killing all the Pure Titans that formed after Eren’s command. It’s unfortunate to see characters that played smaller roles in the show, like Commander Pixis, turn into the creature they’ve been killing this whole series.

In his final hours, Commander Pixis is turned into a titan and killed by his comrades.
Photo courtesy of MAPPA
With a killer soundtrack and beautifully done animation, it’s amazing to see the fight scenes come to life from the manga.
At the very end of the episode, we see the very reason why the episode was called “Thaw.” As Gabi yells at Armin to bring back her friend Falco, she says that Eren removed Reiner’s specially made armor.
Ignoring everything else Gabi said, he shutters and gets on his knees with Gabi.
“Eren said that he has undone all the hardening,” Armin said.
We see the flames of torches and an unthawed Annie Leonhart gasping for air.
Annie’s unthawing doesn’t seem to be a hindrance to Eren’s plans, but it’s exciting to see the character finally unthaw after her major arc as the Female Titan in season one.
Find out what Annie has in store in the next episode on Hulu at 3:45 p.m.