Home FeatureClubs and Classroom Spotlights Black Student Union Hosts “Welcome to the Block Party”

Black Student Union Hosts “Welcome to the Block Party”

by David Bien-Aime

Montclair State University’s Black Student Union hosted its “Welcome to the Block Party” on Saturday, Sept. 21, a spirited celebration of Black culture.

Students decorated the Student Center Quad with flags, symbolizing cultural pride as the area was loud with soulful classic R&B hits, reggae, classic cookout dances and energetic hip-hop. The party featured creative and expressive fashion. Many students sang and danced in harmony as a mix of cultures was celebrated. The event created a fun space for Black students on campus to celebrate their culture and enjoy great food.

Christian Warren, Nylah Hetsberger, Veronica Legerme, Shamari Crawford and Deja Hardwick E-board members thanking the guests for coming  to the party. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Christian Warren, Nylah Hetsberger, Veronica Legerme, Shamari Crawford and Deja Hardwick E-board members thanking the guests for coming to the party. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Party attendees dancing together with arms behind each other's backs. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Party attendees dancing together with arms behind each other's backs. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Students dance and celebrate together as a unite. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Students dance and celebrate together as a unite. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Black Student Union E-Board posing together with the Pan-Africanism flag. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Black Student Union E-Board posing together with the Pan-African flag. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Party attendee dances as he gets hyped up by crowd. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

A party attendee dances as the crowd hypes the student up. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

BSU President, Christian Warren hanging up Pan-Africanism flag. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

BSU President Christian Warren puts up the Pan-African flag. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

BSU party attendees lining up to get their food at the event. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

BSU party attendees lining up to get their food at the event. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Students circle around dancer at the party. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Students circle around dancer at the party. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

Student surrounded by crowd as they dance to the music. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

A student dancing is surrounded by the crowd as music plays. David Bien-Aime┃The Montclarion

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