Home Feature ‘Fourth Wing’

‘Fourth Wing’

by Sydney Wright

I feel like “How to Train Your Dragon” fans can all collectively come together when I say that “Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros will get you back into reading. This book is a mesh of “How to Train Your Dragon,” “Twilight,” “Hunger Games” and “Divergent.” Not only that, but it is the first book of an ongoing series, with the second book “Iron Flame” set to be released on Tuesday, Nov. 7 of this year.

I am not the first to say that I am a huge lover of fantasy. While it may be a scary genre for some because of the intimidating world-building and impossible-to-pronounce names, there is such beauty to being completely immersed in another world while reading. Believe it or not, I actually think that “Fourth Wing” is the perfect start for someone who wants to try getting into fantasy. The world-building is quite minimal when comparing it to other books, so it’s not too confusing as it’s mainly a character-driven plot.

The main character is Violet Sorrengail, who takes the reader through the journey through her eyes as she navigates Basgiath War College, where riders attempt to bond with dragons in order to keep peace at her home. These bonds must happen in order for there to be peace between the kingdom and the dragons, plus they use each other to protect their lands. The funny thing is, Violet wanted to become a scribe in the library. But her mother is a general, and she forced her to become a rider, even if it meant that Violet would meet certain death. This means the story follows Violet as she gets used to this new violent lifestyle while trying to keep relationships with her friends but protecting herself from ill intent students who see her as unworthy.

Let’s take a minute to talk about the characters. I fell in love with all of them, as Yarros gave them all such distinct personalities for so many “side characters.” It was easy to connect to each person, rather than dismissing them to continue getting through the plot. Most side characters actually made the plot and all played important roles that made me attached to them as the reader. Either good or bad things can happen to each character, so be wary when feeling connected with someone!

Of course, like most fantasy books, there has to be a dark and suspicious love interest. That role falls to the character of Xaden, who at first hates Violet, while her childhood best friend, Dain, tries to convince her to be with him instead. The romance and tension in this book are fantastic, and there is even minimal miscommunication between the romantic couple, which is great because that is usually what annoys readers the most.

The dragons themselves are described in such a way that I felt like I could see them clearly in my mind. I will not give anything away, but let’s say that Violet has quite the bond with hers, and the dragons have fresh personalities with all of their riders. There are amazing action scenes with the riders and their dragons, I will not be surprised if this turns into a movie franchise.

I truly promise that if you give this book a try, you will fall in love with it like I did. I never got bored like in other fantasy books, things were always happening in “Fourth Wing” and didn’t get dragged by world-building. The reader gets sucked right in and Yarros gets right to it. You may finish it in a few days like I did, or you may try to take your time so you can start “Iron Flame” right away. I will say, that it was hard to keep reading “Fourth Wing” as I wanted to know what happened next, but I was afraid that it would end so soon.

The plot twist at the end of the book will leave you on a cliffhanger if that is something you like. If not, I would definitely wait closer to November so you aren’t agonizing about it. My jaw dropped at what happened, but you will have to read it to find out!

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