Home Feature Just a Bite: Guilt-Free Snickerdoodles

Just a Bite: Guilt-Free Snickerdoodles

by Samantha Bailey

Welcome back to another edition of Just a Bite: with @gourmetbailey!

This recipe is one of my favorites I’ve made this fall and it is scrumptious. Although it is dairy-free and gluten-free, it is not flavor-free. This week’s recipe is for a little bite of sugary and cinnamon goodness: snickerdoodles.

Snickerdoodles are one of my family’s favorites since we all love cinnamon so much. Since my family is on a bit of a health kick right now, I wanted to find a more healthier version of this recipe for them that they could enjoy without worry.

Before moving along, it’s important to note that this recipe does contain nuts so if you’re allergic to cashews and/or almonds, this recipe might not be right for you. The cinnamon sugar that is going to be used as a topping for the cookies is also optional.

This recipe will make 24 medium-sized cookies so you can double it or halve it, depending on how many people you need cookies for. You’ll need:

1 ½ cups and 1 tablespoon bleached almond flour

1 ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

A pinch of salt

¾ teaspoon baking soda

3 tablespoons coconut oil

3 tablespoons cashew butter

1 ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

1 egg

½ cup coconut sugar

3 teaspoons white sugar or turbinado sugar (optional)

2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon (optional)

Adding to a small bowl, add the flour, cinnamon, salt and baking soda. Mix them until combined. Then, to a stand mixer or a hand mixer on medium/high, you’ll add the three tablespoons of coconut oil, three tablespoons of cashew butter and coconut sugar, and mix them until fluffy.

Once they’re evenly combined, turn the mixer off and add in the vanilla extract along with the egg, and place it on the low setting until evenly incorporated. Begin to add the flour mixture you prepared earlier. With the mixer on low, add about a half of a cup of at a time to prevent making a mess with the flour.

Once you’ve added all the flour, remove the dough from the mixer or bowl and with it, form a ball in your hands. Once formed, double wrap your dough in plastic wrap and leave it to chill for at least an hour. You can chill the dough for up to 24 hours if needed.

Chilling your dough is an important step in this process. It allows for all the oil and egg in the cookies to settle, making the dough easier to work with.


The dough serving should make 24 cookies in total.
Samantha Bailey | The Montclarion

Once your dough is done chilling remove it from the fridge and begin to form small balls with the dough. Before rolling them onto a cookie sheet, make sure that the pan is lined with parchment paper. For a size reference, each cookie should be almost two tablespoons of dough. After you’ve rolled all your balls onto the cookie sheet, you get to coat them in cinnamon sugar!

As a topping for the cookies, cinnamon sugar is going to be used, but is also optional. For the sugar, you can use regular white sugar or big grain turbinado sugar for an extra crunch. You will need three teaspoons of this sugar and two teaspoons of cinnamon. If you’d prefer a bit more on your cookies, feel free to make another batch of the coating. You can never have too much cinnamon sugar!

After all the cookies are coated and placed back on the cookie sheets, bake them at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes. The cookies won’t need too much, so don’t worry if they don’t seem flat enough to be cooked.

These cookies are easy to make and are a delicious, healthy alternative to regular snickerdoodles. I know things that are dairy-free and gluten-free have a stigma of being “flavor-free” but I promise these cookies will bust down that reputation.

Enjoy this recipe, until the next bite!

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