Home Feature Long Time No Sea: Montclair State University Students Struggle With Financing the Ideal Spring Break

Long Time No Sea: Montclair State University Students Struggle With Financing the Ideal Spring Break

by Amanda Alicea

Students at Montclair State University are looking forward to a bit of relaxation after a stressful first couple of weeks. Following record-dropping temperatures and new professors, some students are ready for a long awaited spring break. Despite expectations and excitement buzzing throughout campus, students are finding that financing the vacation may be harder than they thought.

Even though people often associate the college vacation with partying and wild getaways, many students are leaving the idea of islands and warmer weather behind as they prepare for midterms and student invoices. Trying not to put too much of a dent in their pockets, students are finding different ways to stay productive during the break while returning home.

When asked about the expectations to plan something big and wild for spring break, freshman biology major Zoelee Hancock shared that she has more realistic intentions.

“There is definitely a lot of pressure to party and go away during spring break, but it’s more practical to go home and work since most students are broke,” Hancock said.

While some consider working to maintain paying for their tuition during break, junior art major Devin Nunez looked forward to laying low and relaxing for the week.

“I usually do go away for breaks, but I’m going to be staying home with my girlfriend,” Nunez said. “I think that since we do not have too many breaks from school, everyone tries to cram as much as possible into their break if they can.”

Freshman nursing major Jenazmin Baez also shared budget-friendly plans for the break.

“I plan on working and chilling in my dorm and taking a break mentally from school, and I also plan on working out more during spring break and eating healthier,” Baez said. “People create this pressure like a vacation is necessary but sometimes you just need a break from social pressure.”

While she does want to remain busy, Baez said working on herself and mental health is a way to be productive and healthy without spending a large amount of money on partying and getaways.

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Freshman biology major Zoelee Hancock poses in the Student Center. Amanda Alicea | The Montclarion

Along with finding ways to stay busy and productive, students are also preparing methods to have a safe and fun vacation during the break, especially being in university. Many horror stories and accidents are associated with vacations because of the partying and wild behavior surrounding it.

Hancock discussed ways to stay safe while having fun.

“It’s always important to know your limits and have one responsible friend and driver if you are going to drink or party,” Hancock said. “I also think it’s important to think about your mother and what she would want you to do.”

Although it is a vacation, most students are planned on remaining busy with work in order to manage their financial debts and tuition. Despite the university playing a key role in the struggle to go away and have the ideal vacation, students have come up with efficient ways to enjoy their spring break without going over budget and overworking themselves.

It may not be the ideal vacation or luxurious getaway people fantasize about, but a lack of money is not stopping Montclair State students from having fun they can manage and enjoy.

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