Pollution in Newark, fueled by bustling streets, growing development and factory emissions, is affecting not only residents but also the urban farms that serve as small green oases for the community.
The once-empty lots that are part of the concrete jungle experience the effects of pollution firsthand. Not only is the air impacted, but the water and soil as well.
Mark Bonamo, a Newark journalist, has covered the city for the past decade for TAPinto Newark, PolitickerNJ and more recently The New York Times. He says the problem dates way back to the 1900s, when harmful chemicals from nearby factories became absorbed into the sediment of the Passaic River.
“Essentially, you have a city like Newark that for years was an industrial engine,” Bonamo said. “Then, by the 50s, 60s [and] 70s, many of these factories that had been in Newark started to close down. But just because they closed, didn’t mean they didn’t leave certain environmental contamination behind.”
Studies have found that a handful of health issues can suffice as a result of exposure to pollutants like dioxin, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Reproductive problems, issues with fetal development, damage to the immune system and even cancer are among the several other risks.
The contaminated water is used to grow produce at Down Bottom Farms for the low-income community that is the Ironbound. Located at the corner of Ferry and St. Charles Street, the farm receives its fertilizer from rural partners. Shannel Paulino, a community farmer at Down Bottom says that over time, the soil that brings the seemingly healthy fruits and vegetables to life begins to contain chemicals from the air as well.
“We always have to find a solution, because we still have to continue to operate and be here for the community,” Paulino said.
To try and combat the number of harmful substances, the farm practices regenerative farming, which focuses on soil health. Down Bottom also relies on manual labor, meaning they do not use heavy machinery like many rural farms do.
But even then, the battle continues, as the Covanta Essex Incinerator resides just minutes away. A report from the New Jersey Environmental Alliance (NJEJA), Earthjustice and the Ironbound community corporation (ICC) finds that the incinerator is the second largest emitter of chemicals such as arsenic and mercury, the fifth largest emitter of lead and the sixth largest emitter of carbon monoxide. An article from Grist mentions that the incinerator burns about 3,000 tons of garbage daily from New York City and other areas of Essex County.
On top of the health risks from the Passaic River, the community also has to consider what may come with incinerator emissions. The NJEA, Earthjustice and ICC report highlights that exposure can increase the risk of miscarriages, adult non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and more.
Another way to improve pollution in Newark is to find a balance between development and green space. Bonamo explains that the rapid growth of infrastructure throughout the city will continue to be harmed by pollution, as the pressure on roadways and the sewer system will increase with more people moving in.
“There has to be a balance between park land, between development, between retail, between housing, between the families who have been living [in Newark] for generations,” Bonamo said.
The pollution impacts nearby neighborhoods as well, such as Montclair. Like Down Bottom Farms, Montclair Community Farms strives to provide fresh food for low-income residents.
To help educate children in urban areas like Newark, Lana Mustafa, executive director of the farm, invites students to visit and learn about the importance of having green space.
“One thing that’s actually pretty ironic is that when we do get students from Newark who come out here, they often ask us why they don’t have places like this in their communities,” Mustafa said. “So, Newark specifically has over a dozen community gardens and environmental organizations. It’s just that people don’t know that they’re there.”
Newark’s greenery will grow even larger. On Nov. 15, a press release from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection announced that the first phase of development for a new state park will begin in 2025. ‘The Greenway’ will be a nine-mile-long recreational and transit passage through Essex and Hudson County. It’s also said to provide commuters with opportunities to avoid congested roadways in the area.
Mustafa says that many children do not know of the green spaces because of their relationship with the small part of Newark in which they live. She also mentions that if parents are not interested in nature or spending time outdoors, it becomes an obstacle for children to learn about these areas. The Greenway is planned to connect visitors with schools, opening the door for students to explore.
Though the contaminants are an ongoing problem, these farms still have a job to do, which is feeding the community who cannot afford fresh produce.
Montclair Community Farms takes leftover produce from other farms in addition to growing their own crops, providing a surplus of food for those in need.
Down Bottom Farms also holds a weekly market from May to October, where produce is given at no cost.
“So, this year, every Wednesday, we’ve been doing the market and we have people that just walk by and we’re able to give vegetables at a donation base,” Paulino said. “Hopefully those small, little impacts make a bigger impact.”