Brothers of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. await the arrival of their Night of Excellence.
Photo Credit: Jamiee Laurie
On Dec. 1, 2015 over 200 Montclair State University students arrived on the seventh floor of University Hall for a night of celebration and excellence with the brothers of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Incorporated.
Students arrived at 8 p.m. dressed to the nines in formal attire, eager and excited to celebrate the talents of Montclair students for Iota Phi Theta’s very first Night of Excellence.
Senior Stephen Paul Doxi, president of Iota Phi Theta, said, “This is our first time having this event and we want to celebrate the talent at Montclair. We have a step team called The Horsemen and it is a collection of our brothers from all different chapters, we have the MSU Gospel Choir performing, Dean Mulzac is going to read some of his poetry, we also have Ekklipse Steel Orchestra performing and many other organizations coming to perform to showcase the talent here at Montclair.”
The organization was very passionate about showcasing the talents of all students and wanted to get as many organizations involved as possible. By having eight co-sponsors in attendance, the organization was able to welcome even more performers and guests into their event.
The event was a free, formal dinner, where each organization was able to showcase their talents if they wished.
When asked what he was most excited to see during the nights events, Joseph Williams, senior and the treasurer of Iota Phi Theta, said, “I am most excited for the performances, of course, because we have the Gospel Choir performing. [They] won the McDonald’s Gospel Choir competition and I’m looking forward to seeing them perform for everyone here.”

The Horsemen, a step team consisting of members of Iota Phi Theta from across the country, were just one of the excellent groups performing.
Photo Credit: Jaimee Laurie
In addition to showcasing the importance of recognizing and celebrating the many talents of Montclair State students, the brothers of Iota Phi Theta also felt it was necessary to have a philanthropic aspect of their Night of Excellence.
Doxi said, “Our event is all donation based and any money raised will be going to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital and with that, we have also been collecting canned food to go to the Hillside Food bank”
Dec. 1 truly was a Night of Excellence for attendants, encompassing both the excellent talents of students and the excellence seen through the determination and planning by the brothers of Iota Phi Theta, who put together such a successful event.
Williams said, “This is an event we are going to make an annual one for our organization.” And judging by the turnout and the response from guests, this will not be the last Montclair State will see of Iota Phi Theta’s Night of Excellence.