Home Editor's Picks Tips to Stay on Top of Your School Work

Tips to Stay on Top of Your School Work

by Roxanne Gribbin

1. Use a calendar or planner to make time for school work in your day.

Setting up a certain time to get your schoolwork done will help you get into a routine of doing it.
Sal DiMaggio | The Montclarion

Setting up a certain time to get your schoolwork done will help you get into a routine of doing it.
Sal DiMaggio | The Montclarion

Purchasing a calendar or planner will remind you of deadlines you may have forgotten about. They help you strategically plan your days and manage your time. Small obligations can be easy to forget, so using a planner will help you conquer your days. Using a planner can help you allocate some downtime time in your day.

According to Staples Professional, “Setting a firm schedule for all your compulsory activities at work and home helps you find time for creative endeavors such as learning a new skill or engaging in a hobby. The daily planner itself can serve as a canvas on which to express your creativity by adding decorative items such as pictures, art, and stickers.”

2. Have a set place where you do your work so you can be more comfortable.

Using earbuds is a good way of blocking out any distracting noise around you so that you can dedicate your attention to your schoolwork.
Sal DiMaggio | The Montclarion

Using earbuds is a good way of blocking out any distracting noise around you so that you can dedicate your attention to your schoolwork.
Sal DiMaggio | The Montclarion

Montclair State University is a massive campus with many nooks and crannies to explore. From the skyline to Lot 60, there is no shortage of places to sit down and open your laptop.

Okay, maybe Lot 60 is not the best place but on campus, you can find many cafes and study rooms. Some great places to do work are the CELS building, the School of Business, Blanton Hall, Cole Hall and Panera Bread (if it is not too busy of course). In the library and business building, quiet study spaces can be reserved. Talk about a great way to get work done in peace!

3. Make sure your environment is free of any distractions.

Distractions: they are everywhere. Do TikTok, Instagram and drama in the group chat negatively affect your studying? You are not alone.

“Many dedicated students think they can divide their attention in the classroom without harming their academic success – but we found an insidious effect on exam performance and final grades,” said lead researcher Arnold Glass, a professor of psychology at Rutgers–New Brunswick’s School of Arts and Sciences. Multitasking can hurt your ability to retain information so it can be beneficial to put your phone down.

4. Make sure you are hydrated and well-nourished while doing schoolwork.

Staying hydrated is important while you are studying so you can concentrate.
Sal DiMaggio | The Montclarion

Staying hydrated is important while you are studying so you can concentrate.
Sal DiMaggio | The Montclarion

Montclair State has water stations all over campus for a vital reason. Staying hydrated can have an amazing effect on your brain’s ability to stay energized.

An article done by Drip Drop, a hydration company, said that “when you don’t get enough water, your body stops working optimally due to a condition called dehydration. Dehydration can make you feel sluggish, tired, and moody. It can affect your ability to recall information, decrease muscle movement, and result in foggy thoughts and impaired decision making.” If water is not to your taste, you can always add flavor packets or drink seltzer water instead.

5. Listen to music to help you focus.

Listening to music can help you concentrate while you do your schoolwork.
Sal DiMaggio | The Montclarion

Listening to music can help you concentrate while you do your schoolwork.
Sal DiMaggio | The Montclarion

Healthline.com said, “The researchers found evidence to suggest that music can engage your brain in such a way that it trains it to pay better attention to events and make predictions about what might happen.” Listening to music can be a fun way to get through late nights at the library. Remember to play music that is helpful but not distracting.

Hopefully, with these tips, you can develop a good study pattern and keep them throughout your college career. Find what works for you and get that A!

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