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Glorious Peace

by Harrison Turner

Lonely unloved spirits run for shelter under cover of a woodland escape.

Free from all convictions and their destructive addictions, they found glorious peace.

Painters, poets, singers and starving artists found a creative refuge for their creative souls.

The cruel indifference of this world and the ice-cold flaming rage from one man to another cannot penetrate the walls of mighty oaks and spruce.

Students of a long-gone knowledge let their zealous love for life, its beauty and its pleasures, run unchecked.

Ghosts of Greco-Roman past, the polymaths who set the precedent that fuels the fire.

The woodlands reignite the souls of those who let the wisdom of the ghosts into their lives.

All great men will leave this Earth, eventually eternity will take us all, but the trees will persevere just as the memories of the polymaths defy mortality.

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