The Storm

by Peter Guziejewski

In the wake of chaos,

the ground lies cracked,

roots torn from their grasp,

and silence fills the air.

Why does the burden rest here,

when the storm that brought it

is nowhere to be found?

Are there regrets for what was lost,

as eyes meet the aftermath

and trace the scars left behind.

But soon, the damage will fade.

As once the rain clears

and the clouds disperse,

the sky becomes blue again,

washing away the remnants of what is now past.

Yet, questions will still linger.

Why did God send the storm?

Was it to teach a lesson,

that to appreciate the sun,

one must first feel the weight of rain?

Cause that’s what it feels like now.

From the wreckage, hope emerged.

With it a new strength,

and a reminder,

that tomorrow holds more than the past ever did.

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