Home Homepage Feature Story BREAKING: University Employees File Discrimination Lawsuit Against Montclair State University

BREAKING: University Employees File Discrimination Lawsuit Against Montclair State University

by Sal DiMaggio & Meagan Kane

This is a developing and breaking story. The Montclarion will update this article as we get more information. Check back here or follow @themontclarion on Instagram for updates.

Two longtime female employees of Montclair State University have filed a discrimination lawsuit against the university, claiming discrimination on the basis of sex, retaliation and failure to promote.

In the lawsuit filed on March 18, 2025, Summer Jones and Donna Sadlon allege that Montclair State’s chief information officer (CIO), David Chun, and others within the university, “rudely ignored, marginalized and ostracized” them since his hiring in April 2024, and retaliated against them when they filed complaints. Further, Jones alleges that Chun continuously ignored her work-related communications and favored male employees when it came to tasks relative to her expertise.

The lawsuit also names Daniel Anzalone, the security operations lead in the information technology department; Benjamin Durant, Montclair State’s chief operating officer and senior vice president for finance and administration; Roger Salomon, interim assistant vice president for enterprise technology services and university president Jonathan Koppell.

The Montclarion interviewed Nancy Erika Smith, one of Jones’ and Sadlon’s lawyers. She called the allegations “a failure of the institution itself.”

“[Montclair State University] failed them,” Smith said. “[Jones and Sadlon] went to HR, they went to legal, they went to [the Equal Employment Opportunity office], they went to compliance, they went to Title IX. They let the president [Koppell] know. The president was on one of the calls when Chun was abusive. It’s just shocking.”

The Montclarion reached out to Montclair State for comment. Andrew Mees, assistant vice president for strategic content, provided a statement.

“Although we have not been served with this complaint, we strongly dispute the claims and characterizations set forth in the press release and intend to vigorously defend against them,” the statement reads. “Montclair State University is committed to maintaining a workplace where all employees are treated fairly and with respect. We maintain strict policies that prohibit discrimination and comply fully with all applicable laws. We remain dedicated to providing a positive and respectful work environment for all employees, and are confident the facts will demonstrate the University operated consistently with its commitments and legal requirements. As this is a pending litigation, we will not comment further.”

The lawsuit claims that Chun was hired by Koppell despite the two committees involved in the search process recommending other candidates as their first choice. The suit states that Chun “failed to listen to a question” asked by Jones during his interview and was “argumentative” toward her.

Upon entering the role, Chun – according to the lawsuit – interrupted female employees during meetings, made sexist and rude remarks and retaliated against the women who reported him.

As associate vice president of technical support services, Jones reports to Chun. Sadlon also reports to him in her role as associate vice president for IT strategy, enterprise systems and Project Management Office (PMO) services.

According to the lawsuit, both Jones and Sadlon reported Chun’s behavior to human resources on multiple occasions, and the suit claims that no effective action was taken. Chun allegedly began to retaliate as a result of their complaints, handing over job responsibilities to male employees. Members of Jones’s team were also removed.

The lawsuit also states that Jones and Sadlon were passed over for promotions within the information technology department, including for roles such as interim associate vice president for enterprise technology services.

Jones filed a discrimination complaint form on Aug. 20, 2024, according to the lawsuit. The suit says that to date, no progress has been made and retaliation from Chun is ongoing.

According to the lawsuit, Sadlon also filed a formal written discrimination, harassment and retaliation complaint against Chun with Montclair State’s institutional compliance office on Aug. 18, 2024. The suit says the original deadline for the investigation was 120 days, or Dec. 16, 2024. The lawsuit claims the deadline has been pushed back numerous times, now until May 13, 2025.

The lawsuit also alleges that Chun gave raises to department members in September 2024 – almost all female employees received a 2% increase, while some male staff received a 6% increase. Additionally, the suit claims Chun gave Jones’s and Sadlon’s subordinates raises without discussing work performance with them.

The case also states that two other female employees filed discrimination complaints against Chun, but they are not plaintiffs in this suit.

Jones and Sadlon are seeking compensatory damages for loss of wages and benefits, mental and physical suffering and damages to their reputation and career paths. They are also seeking punitive damages and reimbursement for legal and medical fees.

The Montclarion has reached out to Jones, Sadlon, Chun, Anzalone, Salomon and Durant for comment.

We will update this story as it progresses.

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