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Montclair State Ranks Among Best Colleges

by Julia Duggan

The annual U.S. News and World Report 2022-2023 Best Colleges guidebook is out and Montclair State University is ranked high in several categories.

The institution is ranked seventh in the nation for graduation rate performance. This ranking is the rate at which students outperform their anticipated graduation rate compared to college students in other schools in the same programs. There are 440 schools sorted for the national categories and Montclair State was selected as the seventh best in the nation.

Montclair State earned another national ranking for the six-year student graduation rate. U.S. News and World Report predicted the graduation rate would be at 49 percent but the actual rate is 67 percent. The 18 percentage point difference earned the university fifth best in the nation for graduation rate for public national universities.

President Jonathan Koppell explains that the enrollment number is increasing because students are aware of all the benefits the institution provides.

“Students are increasingly drawn to Montclair [State] because they know they will receive a high return on their investment while being part of an inclusive and supportive community built to help them realize their dreams and make a difference in the world,” Koppell said.

The last national ranking Montclair State earned is 21st for Top Performers on Social Mobility. This category is based on how colleges enroll low-income students and bring them closer to achieving their goals.

In addition, Montclair State earned several state rankings. The university is second in the state of New Jersey for a master’s degree in public health. The members of the department are excited since the major is newer.

Lisa Lieberman, the chairperson of the public health department, shared the importance of this achievement.

“We are a relatively small but very close-knit program and we are widely successful,” Lieberman said. “Our ranking is really important since we are a newer program and it is exciting to be ranked among the best in New Jersey.”

Some exciting developments are happening with the public health department. There is a new four-plus-one program to complete an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree in five years. There is also a new dual master’s in public health and business that takes three years to complete.

Montclair State’s master’s degree in business administration was ranked fourth in the state of New Jersey and the education program was also ranked second in the state of New Jersey.

Many students like Henry Tighe, a junior sports communication major, said this ranking is well deserved.

“This makes me feel great,” Tighe said. “We’re not going to college for the degree so much as going to school to get a career. I think that seeing it is actually obtainable makes me feel like I made the right choice coming here.”

Henry Tighe, junior sports communications major

Henry Tighe, a junior sports communications major, says the university deserves to be among the best colleges in the nation.
Erin Lawlor | The Montclarion

Tighe also believes his classes are doing an amazing job at preparing him for his career.

“I have learned more here in a semester than I have at any other school or university or anywhere really,” Tighe said. “I think they’re more focused here on actual practical skills and a lot of the staff and faculty have a lot of experience out in their fields which is helpful.”

Malerbe Gilles, a sophomore biochemistry major, is ecstatic to hear this news.

“That’s really cool to hear,” Gilles said. “It’s really helpful, especially being a biochemistry major, [it’s] really hard to graduate.”

Malerbe Gilles, a sophomore biochemistry major, says the school provides assistance, which is one of the reasons the institution deserves the ranking. Erin Lawlor | The Montclarion

Malerbe Gilles, a sophomore biochemistry major, says the school provides assistance, which is one of the reasons the institution deserves the ranking.
Erin Lawlor | The Montclarion

Gilles mentioned there is a place to go in the biology department to get help with graduation and getting a job out of college. He believes this is why Montclair State deserves the ranking.

Leo Hashikura, a senior filmmaking major, was pleasantly surprised by the ranking.

“I am graduating this year,” Hashikura said. “It’s easy to stay on track here and there are a lot of requirements that prepare us.”

Leo Hashikura, senior Film major

Leo Hashikura, senior filmmaking major, says the university has prepared him for graduation.
Erin Lawlor | The Montclarion

Hashikura is ready to graduate and get into the real world and thanks Montclair State for preparing him as much as they did.

“Graduation-wise I am most definitely prepared,” Hashikura said. “Maybe that is because I am so ready to graduate, but they have prepared us so much, which is great.”

Koppell said these results represent the university’s value and dedication.

“These results are a testament to the strong work ethic and talent of our students and the dedication of our faculty and staff who support them to ensure they persist, earn a degree and go on to well-paying jobs,” Koppell said.

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