Montclair State University released a Pokemon Go campus map with PokeStops and Gyms on Tuesday.
Photo courtesy of BagoGames (Flickr)
Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game that has unleashed every millennial’s inner eight-year-old. The new mobile game has swept across the nation and has amassed 7.5 million downloads in the United States in less than a week.
Now, Montclair State University has decided to get in on the fun. Montclair State unexpectedly blasted out a Pokemon Go campus map through Red Hawk News on Tuesday. It’s a fully detailed map with all of the PokeStops and Gyms at Montclair State.

There are PokeStops at the Amphitheater, College Hall and Morehead Hall.
Photo courtesy of Red Hawk News
A full version of the map, complete with all of the PokeStops and Gyms on campus, can be found here.
The game is everywhere. Are you confused when  see a group of four teens actually walking outside? They are probably playing Pokemon Go. Have you seen people aimlessly walking with their phone, and not known why? They are probably playing Pokemon Go.
Pokemon Go uses the phone’s GPS to display a virtual map. Pokemon are displayed on a player’s map depending on their location and the time of day. The game utilizes the phone’s camera to display Pokemon in the real world, and then players fling Pokeballs in an attempt to capture the Pokemon.
It’s not a complete Pokemon experience. Pokemon Go doesn’t allow players to battle each other and the combat mechanics are nothing like the actual Pokemon games.
Still, it gives players a chance to recapture their childhood.
Here’s a complete list of PokeStops and Gyms located at Montclair State, via the email:
Poké Stops
- Campus Entrance (Located on Normal Avenue)
- Montclair Heights Train Station
- Russ Hall
- College Hall
- September 11 Lost Community Members Living Tribute (Located in front of College Hall)
- Montclair State University Amphitheater
- E.B. Fincher Memorial Tree (Located on the side of Dickson Hall)
- Peace Wheel Circle (Located on the side of Calcia Hall)
- Calcia Hall MFA Garden Harry Jeschofnic (Located on the side of Finley Hall)
- Fine Arts Entrance (Erroneously located on the side of Schmitt Hall facing the quad)
- Sprague Library
- Morehead Hall Bird House (Erroneously marked behind Life Hall)
- Wise Woman’s Song (Erroneously marked behind Life Hall)
- Honor Flags (Located next to the Student Center)
- Green Warrior (Located in front of Science Hall)
- Jewish Student Union Tree (Located behind the Student Center)
- University Hall Bell Tower
- University Hall
- Floyd Hall Arena
- Sinatra Hall
- Yogi Berra Memorial Statue (Located at the Yogi Berra Museum)
- Street Crossing by George Segal (Located on the side of College Hall facing the Red Hawk Deck)
- Ophiuchus – The Serpent Bearer (Erroneously located in front of Life Hall)
- Yogi Berra Stadium
- Transit Deck