Home Homepage Latest Stories Montclair State University Students Gather for 16th Annual 9/11 Day of Service

Montclair State University Students Gather for 16th Annual 9/11 Day of Service

by Kaitlin Swift

On Sept. 7, 2024, Montclair State University hosted its 16th annual 9/11 Day of Service with 390 students volunteering.

Students and staff from the Bonner Community Scholars, First Generation Service Corps and others joined together to complete a large range of service activities on and off campus. Volunteers cleaned up parks, organized food pantry donations and distributions, aided bookbag drives and worked with adults with cerebral palsy, among other activities.

Student volunteers working together to load boxes. Grace Velazquez | The Montclarion

Student volunteers working together to load boxes. Grace Velazquez | The Montclarion

Following a short film featuring Will Kimeno, a police officer and 9/11 survivor sharing his experience, Montclair State President Jonathan Koppell delivered a speech on the importance of community in times of division.

“It is possible to be unified by this service of spirit,” Koppell said.

Jessica Pichardo, the Next Gen Service Corps program director, shares her experience and speaks of the importance of this unity in the new generation.

“I was on campus when 9/11 took place, and it’s always very impactful to see that even after 20 plus years, our students, communities and partners throughout the entire state of New Jersey are still committed to remembering 9/11 and allowing that continued unified front to occur,” Pichardo said.

Most Montclair State students were not alive to witness 9/11, but understand its immense importance and came together to both honor the fallen, and take action.

Volunteers pack sandwich donations for food pantries. Kaitlin Swift | The Montclarion

Volunteers pack sandwich donations for food pantries. Kaitlin Swift | The Montclarion

Mikaela Guzman, Bonner Leader and service coordinator at the Office of Communication and Partnerships, was only one year old when 9/11 occurred.

She hopes to see more clubs and organizations on campus get involved and participate in following Days of Service.

“The more we grow, the more we have power to do good,” Guzman said.

Alexia Cervantes, a sophomore psychology major and NextGen student, expressed the importance of the event.

“To me, this day of service means just giving back to the people who deserve to be in the spotlight for all their work and services in the community, and just letting them know that we appreciate them and that we’re always sure to help,” Cervantes said.

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