Home Homepage Latest Stories Welcome Duo: A New Multi-Factor Authentication System at Montclair State University

Welcome Duo: A New Multi-Factor Authentication System at Montclair State University

by Lauren Rivera

Montclair State University recently introduced Duo Multi-factor Authentication (MFA), a cloud based service allowing a smoother and faster authentication process for students.

According to a statement from the Informational Technology Division, to enroll in the system, students will need to register at least one device with Duo. This can be a smartphone, tablet, “non smart” cellphone or a landline phone. If enrolled with a smartphone or tablet, students are prompted to download the Duo Mobile application.

Elyse Fernandez, the media relations director at Montclair State, shared why Montclair State decided to switch from the previous authentication system to Duo.

“The DUO setup is more user-friendly,” Fernandez said. “DUO has a self-service option and allows for multiple devices to be registered per account which prevents users from being locked out in case of a lost, stolen or damaged device. It also has multiple second-factor authentication options that users can select from.”

Fernandez also explained that the previous service did not have a self-service option and did not allow multiple devices registered per user, unlike Duo.

“This is very inconvenient for our students when it is not possible to use the one device they have registered, and they have no choice but to contact our [Information Technology] Service Desk,” Fernandez said.

Bella Rivera, a sophomore biology major, shared her thoughts on the change.

“A lot of the time it’s a hassle to get my phone out,” Rivera said, explaining it would be easier to authenticate her NetID from her tablet, since she uses it more than her phone.

Bella Rivera on the left and Joanna Bonzwehl on the right.

Bella Rivera (left) and Joanna Vonzwehl (right). Lauren Rivera | The Montclarion Photo credit: Lauren Rivera

Joanna Vonzwehl, a sophomore double majoring in psychology and justice studies, explained her issue of needing to take out her phone to receive a login code.

“Sometimes I’ll put my phone away just so I’m not on it so it won’t distract me, and if I’m not logged into Canvas or Nest I have to get it out, and if it’s out, I go on it,” Vonzwehl said.

Montclair has begun prompting students to enroll in Duo in waves. The first group of students, which are student workers, were notified via email on Sept. 26, and the university is continuing to send out emails to others. The deadline to complete the registration is Monday, Oct. 7.

If students do not enroll by the deadline, they will be presented with the Duo authentication directions when they first attempt to access any of the Montclair State resources that are single sign-on (SSO) and two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.

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