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Championing Women, Local and Beyond

by Thomas Boud

Disclaimer: The following article is the opinion of a student writer at Montclair State University. This article does not necessarily reflect the views of The Montclarion or its staff.

When Women’s History Month arrives in March, the tendency is to think of the forever famous figures who changed the course of women’s rights. Much attention is given to immortal trailblazers such as Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Stanton and Alice Paul.

These pioneers made invaluable contributions to the cause of women’s suffrage and they deserve everlasting recognition: especially given the backward anti-women epoch they lived in. Yet, there are numerous other yesteryear political heroines and they too boldly went where few females of their time dared to go.

Some examples can be found right here in the Garden State.

In 1921, Margaret Laird and Jennie Van Ness became the first two female New Jersey assemblywomen, according to the Center for American Women and Politics. Rebecca Estell Bourgeois Winston made history in 1925 as the first female mayor in New Jersey, serving Estell Manor in Atlantic County. That same year, Mary Teresa Norton became the first woman to represent New Jersey in the U.S. House of Representatives, holding that position until 1951. Madaline Williams made her mark as the first African American woman elected to the New Jersey Assembly in 1957.

And the list of forefront-forging females can go on and on. I wonder how many people today have even ever heard of Margaret Reitman? She ran for Essex County freeholder in 1960 and 1961. Although she lost both times, Reitman was as a prominent figure in the Essex County Republican Party, earning numerous community newspaper mentions.

During her 1960 campaign, Reitman even shook hands with Vice President Richard Nixon at the West Orange Armory. If you ask me, that is indeed very damn impressive for a woman in the early 1960s.

As a 2025 observer, I think it is notable that these aforementioned women were politically active during the dark ages of women’s rights. “Dark ages” is the term that Dr. Jackie Vimo used to describe the hostile climate females faced when running for office. Vimo is a Montclair State University political science professor and one of the courses they teach is called “Women In Politics.”

The mid-20th century and earlier eras women who ventured into politics faced discrimination on gender alone, according to Vimo, as election-seeking women were typically viewed as bad mothers for stepping away from traditional family roles. African American women in particular often faced a “double barrel” scourge of racial and gender prejudice.

Throughout much of history, women who could potentially hold government positions faced obstacles due to lack of fundamental rights. Prior to the 1960s Civil Rights Act, women faced a “Wild West” according to Vimo where they had few rights and little legal recourse against unfair treatment.

Women could not even own credit cards until the 1970s rolled around. With such financial restrictions, how could they run a campaign, if they managed to become an elected official? All parts of a campaign require money, right down to the campaign pins.

“You [couldn’t] get a credit card unless your husband gives it to you. That means you’re completely beholden to your husband to be able to run for political office and finance your campaign,” says Vimo.

All told, that is why Women’s History Month has so much meaning. That commemorative period makes me think of all females, illustrious or not, who did not let the specter of bigotry deter their dreams, political or otherwise. The women who challenged the status quo paved the way for more women to keep fighting.

That is why it is important to commend those who did. After all, the political and societal mobility that women have in 2025 would have never happened if it were not for these intrepid forerunners.

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