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Copy Queen Kim, Out

by Kimberly Lamparello

I always thought it was unreasonable to expect high schoolers to have it all figured out with what they want to do for their livelihood. We’re all so young and introduced to a plethora of ideas, jobs and opportunities. How are we supposed to know what our end goal is in life if we hardly experienced it? Like a lot of 15-year-olds in high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do or what free electives to join.

I looked through my high school’s elective catalog with my mom to see what classes they offer as my sophomore year was just beginning. Journalism was listed as a free elective. For some reason, I had a good feeling about enrolling in journalism. I was nervous but excited to see if I would like the class having no idea it would become a part of who I am. I saw the beauty and power in having a voice along with the humanity in telling stories about people for people.

Throughout the seven years of studying the subject, I had a lot of doubts and worries about whether this career was meant for me or if I was cut out for this industry, but eventually, I realized most of my classmates felt the same way I did: confused and uncertain.

However, I was certain of one thing.

The Montclarion gave me a sense of belonging and security while guiding me to the most creative and talented people. I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my Wednesdays any other way than coming to the office every week doing the same thing with the same people.

Joining The Montclarion was one of my best decisions out of all my four years at Montclair State University. This organization helped shape me into a better person and journalist while recognizing my skills and introducing me to one of my dearest hobbies, copy editing. It sounds boring and tedious but there’s a privilege in being able to edit articles to the best they can be as well as training others. After editing well over 500 articles, I can proudly say it was the best job I’ve ever had.

I know I couldn’t have done it without the help of my teachers and professors who pushed me to succeed in ways I didn’t think I could handle and the support from my friends and family. Thank you for everything.

While I still am uncertain about the future and where it will take me, I know I’ll end up somewhere that will give me a sense of belonging again. But I know I won’t be able to find the same comfort the Montclarion staff brought me, and that’s what hurts the most about leaving. There are no amount of words to describe how grateful I am for my time at Montclair State along with the people who made it feel like home.

As Andy Bernard from “The Office” once said, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”

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