Home Homepage Latest Stories “Forgotten”


by Abbi Erbacher

Your first love is bound to be your first heartbreak.

Your first heartbreak, your first lesson. Your first lesson turned success until one day you forget your first love altogether. I mean they were supposed to be the one to protect you. They were supposed to help you with your first steps, teach you your abc’s. And now they’ve all but forgotten you too.

They were supposed to lift you onto their shoulders. Not push you further into the ground.

They like to say your father is your first love. I would love to see who nurtured that love to its fullest potential. Because it wasn’t my first love.

My first love was my first heartbreak.

Way before I should’ve known what it was like to be let down.

My first heartbreak was my first lesson.

Way before a lesson should’ve been taught.

My lesson turned into my first success.

Now to whom do I show success?

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