Home OpinionEditorial Now Sending to Print

Now Sending to Print

by Ian Long

Honestly, I never saw myself as a large part of The Montclarion team. For a long time, I kept myself in the background quietly illustrating articles and experimenting with layout design.

That was until the position of Production Editor opened up.

I figured I would give it a shot, being that I was already familiar with how the newspaper functioned and could finesse my way through InDesign. Luckily, I secured the job and made an easy transition from intern to employee.

As I made minuscule edits to the section layouts each week, I found myself becoming more and more intertwined with the team. The Montclarion workplace allowed me to be more than just a coworker. I could balance both work and play, logging hours while dancing to Taylor Swift and cackling over jokes being thrown around.

Leafing through the papers, I realize how much time I’ve put into this amazing organization that is such a staple to the campus community. This job has helped me solidify my love for design and journalism and learn how to combine the two effectively.

The most unbelievable part of this whole year has been the people. I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing group to work with. Talented, hard-working, kind people who I can rely on for support at any given time. Now, in my last week at the paper, I’m glad to say everyone on the team- from editors to interns- has become people I would consider friends.

I’ll miss having Wednesdays dedicated to eating grotesque amounts of pizza and screaming over Mario Kart. Though, I don’t think I’ll miss the tragedy that is the Adobe Suite or being the unofficial doorman for the office.

I’m wishing the best of luck to the future team. I know our newspaper is in great hands.

Shoutout to Hannah for being the loveliest assistant and friend I could have had during this time.

Slay, boots the house down, gleek out, etc.

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