When I first entered Montclair State as a freshman in 2011, I was in the Broadcasting major, but I never would have expected to adapt a passion for writing. I actually wasn’t sure at all what I was going to do, but the funny thing is I knew that writing was not it. At that point in time, I hated it. When the professors for my introduction broadcasting courses asked me, “so what is it in this industry that you want to do?”, I would reply with; “Anything but writing.”
Fast forward four years later and I’m Assistant Editor for the school newspaper’s Sports section and am writing stories not because I have to for class, but because I love it. I learned how you can use writing to capture a moment and turn it into a story that makes people feel important and inspired, and when you do that, there’s no better feeling. It’s interesting to experience yourself change, but it’s something to embrace. That’s what college is all about, and The Montclarion has allowed me to embrace my change.
I was a little bit late in joining The Montclarion staff, only hopping on for one year as a senior, but it was worth it. I was welcomed into the paper by awesome people and felt the fun atmosphere that room in the bottom floor of the Student Center possessed from day one. It was only fitting that I would work in the sports section of the paper, since that has been one of the biggest influences through out my life.
Playing sports my entire life and being a member of the Montclair State Women’s lacrosse team has made me develop a strong passion for sports and for telling an athlete’s story.
Winning a huge game, overcoming injuries and pushing past your assumed capability are incredible moments in an athlete’s life, and need to be told. The Montclarion has given me the chance to document these stories for the school, learn and grow as a journalist and also to have fun.
Now, the month of my graduation has finally approached and it feels insane. I can’t believe it’s my time to leave this university and enter what’s known as the real world, but I can feel confident I will succeed thanks to the experience I acquired through The Montclarion. Now, when my professors ask me what I plan to do after graduation, I can say, “Anything, including writing.”
I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to my editor, Thomas Formoso, for working around my chaotic lacrosse schedule and always making sure I get to put in my food order on time! You are the best! Also, thanks to everyone on The Montclarion Staff for being so welcoming and cool. Thanks for a great year. Good luck in the future!
Our Final Good-byes to ‘The Montclarion’
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