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Run the Credits

by Megan Lim

Having been Entertainment Editor for the past two years, it only seems fitting that my parting article for The Montclarion is, what else, but somewhat of a movie review.

After all, this publication has provided me with a coming-of-age plot that helped develop me not only as a student journalist, but as a person.

The making of this lovely film started back during the pandemic when I wrote my first article on the movie “Holidate,” where I unashamedly bashed it and got excited at the chance to do something like that again. Shortly after, I became an assistant editor, and by the next year, I became Entertainment Editor.

282 approved articles later, whether written or edited by me, I am now in the falling action and resolution of my college journey, wrapping up my time at The Montclarion.

Let’s rewind a bit first, though.

The opening scenes began with me walking in with a major I felt excited about. Though journalism is far from what people in my family typically pursue, I was sure of my passion in writing and the positive support I received from my loved ones was all I needed to take the risk to further explore it. And with every accomplishment I’ve had since then, whether it’s getting an article published or being selected for a scholarship, my family has treated each feat with the utmost pride and celebration.

It is through the unconditional emotional and financial support of my family that I have had the experiences I did, and it is because of them that I want to continue striving for success until the day I retire.

While reaching for that goal, I’ve built up my story and met some of the most driven and talented characters along the way. The editorial team I am surrounded by, myself included, have all had amazing success in our own individual ways. I’m constantly amazed at how gracefully they take on their responsibilities yet still manage to take on even more.

In the years I’ve worked with these brilliant people, we’ve gone through remarkable character arcs. This year, I watched Kim join the team as Chief Copy Editor, Jenna move from News Editor to Managing Editor (within those positions she made sure to write about “New Girl” a whopping three times though) and Emma go from Managing Editor to Editor-in-Chief. And in just the past few days, I have watched both my Assistant Entertainment Editors blossom as they train for what’s next: Sekhena as next year’s Managing Editor and Colin as my Entertainment Editor successor.

The growth we’ve undergone individually and as a team has left me so proud, and I am grateful for the patience and encouragement I’ve received from those around me. Only we truly understand the behind the scenes of it all. I’m sending everyone, especially my seniors, congratulatory hugs for all your time and hard work.

My biggest and most heartfelt thank you is to God, the director of my life, for giving me all I have and guiding each and every one of my steps. He is responsible for the gifts I have been given, the strength to carry through obstacles and the unforgettable scenes that have made my college career truly feel like a movie at times. He has blessed my story to be filled with not only growth and recognition as a writer, but also moments that have built me up as an individual and given me the chance to share life with others.

But if I said thank you to every person that has made an impact on me during my four years at Montclair State University, or recalled every beautiful blessing I’ve been graced with, the rolling credits would run forever.

So instead, I’ll leave it with a quote I also used to close my “Letter from the Editor” for my high school newsletter, which still stands as accurate as ever. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

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