Trinity Corney is not just any student at Montclair State University. Corney struggles with cerebral palsy, a rare disorder that affects one’s movement, muscle tone or posture. However, she does not let it stop her from doing what she needs to accomplish.
Whether that means opening up a heavy-set door herself, or walking the extra distance, she lets nothing get in the way of her perseverance. Although strong inside and out, there are times where there are not enough services provided for her to easily get in and out of buildings on her college campus.
Montclair State offers disability resources for those that are disabled at the Disability Resource Center. They provide accommodations and services such as note-takers, readers, counseling, shuttle services and more. Although Montclair State has disability resources for those that are disabled, it is not enough for students like Corney.
“I do think they can improve in some areas, especially with building structures and the way the accommodations are and how they are put into place,” Corney said.
Even with roadblocks in the way, Corney proves to be a shining light of positivity and walks over every crack on the sidewalk.

Trinity Corney starts her day off at 7:45 a.m. at the front of Montclair State University near Red Hawk Deck getting dropped off by her Uber driver. The driver walks to help her out of the car. Afterwards, Corney makes her way to the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) shuttle which is waiting for her.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney tries to open the door of the Montclair State University Persons with Disabilities (PWD) minivan for the third time. After this photo, she gets the door open herself.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

After getting out of the Uber and getting into the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) shuttle, Corney rides with Yvelices Nunez (left) per their routine in the morning.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney jokes with the shuttle driver, Yvelices Nunez about construction on campus. Nunez asks everyone in the van when we think College Hall will be done. Corney’s prediction is that it will not be finished by the due date of fall 2020 semester.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney and her sister Ava Miranda ride on the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) shuttle. Corney asks Miranda what she is going to do while she’s in class and she responds by saying she has homework to complete. Miranda got a day off because of a teacher convention being held for her teachers.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney decides to utilize the shuttle to get to the School of Communications (SCM) and walks to the back of the bus rather than the front to descend off of a platform. The bus driver gets off the bus so the platform can actually come down by using a remote.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney recalls the struggles she had when one of the elevators was not working in the previous week. She says there was only one elevator working which forced her to walk up several steps.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Due to the School of Communications (SCM) not being entirely disability friendly, Trinity Corney uses her heavy duty customized crutches to keep the door of the SCM open. She struggles to use the doors at the building due to the heavy weight of them.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney decides to walk to Calcia Hall from the School of Communications and Media (SCM) instead of using the shuttle services provided for her through her disability. She loses her breath while walking to her destination but reamins determined to reach her end goal.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney reaches her destination at Calcia Hall on foot but has another goal on her mind. She sees Amy Albin, who is blind, struggling to figure out where she should be walking. Behind Trinity is the disability vehicle and is there to pick up Amy.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney assists Amy Albin to the disability van while on her way to class in front of Calcia Hall out of choice. Albin is blind so she uses a stick to sense where she is walking.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney struggles to get her jacket off after making the trek to Calcia Hall at Montclair State University. She complains about the desks and how hard they are to get into with her backpack and jacket on.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion

Trinity Corney poses for the camera inside Calcia Hall on Montclair State University’s campus.
Sunah E. Choudhry | The Montclarion