Home Student WorksPoems Can’t Stop

Can’t Stop

by Rosemary Rodriguez

I grace grandeur with my presence

As I wake up to take my antidepressants

This just might be a good day

My mind’s treasures still bolted with locks

And I’m desperate

To find the key

It’s a search that has now consumed me

I can’t stop


Of that post car crash adrenaline

From his facade of a gentleman

Wanting love bites that eat away at dignity

Or some company, some counsel

Or a simple ounce of sympathy

I want to forget

The crafted love spells

that spelled nothing

but the word ‘stupid’ on my forehead

I don’t want to remember

But I can’t stop

The Freudian slips that make one fall

Back into the same spiral of sadness

Searching for the solid, straight path

Well now I realize

I understand Plath

And you’re no key

You’re just as bolted up as me

I spend the days on my own pedestal

Riding my high horse

Till the night takes me off course

And I fall

Left stranded by my stallion

Wanting those memories to leave

Since they’ve taught me nothing, only that

Hope is naive

But I can’t stop

In my ears I hear: ‘Wonder if it’s all for you?’

The tears I could mop

Falling like Gloucesters at the clifftop

Or the joys of a simple coffee shop

I do wonder

If it’s all for me

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