Dear reader,
My mind is a mystery.
I discover
more than I know.
My mind is a maze
of closed doors
and unexplored corridors.
When I enter a new one,
I find something delightful.
Dear reader,
My mind spins
with new stories.
New worlds.
New universes.
New creatures.
New people.
I never have names for them,
but I can’t wait to see them.
They’re a part of me
before they become real.
Dear reader,
A good story is a cure.
An escape from the world.
A fictional world
is a place of excitement.
New adventures.
Dear reader,
It’s easy to travel through stories.
There are no expenses.
No risks.
No need to plan.
Dear reader,
Stories and their worlds
have caught me in their trap,
but I don’t plan to escape.