Home Student WorksPoems My Sunshine

My Sunshine

by Aamani Jenkins

Does the Sun know she blazes too brightly?

Does she know how I wish for her “goodbye?”

Does the Sun know the shadows she casts or are they out of her sights?

Do the Clouds keep her blind to the things she causes or

Is her ignorance intentional?

Pulling fleece over her own eyes

And if neither were true and she finally noticed

Would she care?

Care that tides only love the parts of her reflected by the moon?

Care that the rain comes down to Earth in blades

On their grand escape from the Sun’s cloudy grasps

Trying to cool the scorching paths she abandoned below?

Can she see she leaves me wrecked?

Or perhaps she already knows

She knows of her rays scorching sting and burns on because of it

She accepts her cloudiness as facts to avoid her own judgements

I may only exist if I’m bearing the consequences of sunshine.

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