Home Student WorksPoems Silly Earthling Problems

Silly Earthling Problems

by Kaitlin Swift

I’d like to go to the moon one day

Far, far away from all the problems of silly earthlings

In a future bound by love, progress, community, belonging, kindness,

Where character and actions matter most.

But we’re on this earth together

Given the gift of life

A planet full of people, of plants, of progress

Yet sometimes it feels like the clock moves in reverse.

I’m well studied in history,

There is nothing new under the sun,

Similar patterns repeat and repeat,

Yet why don’t we keep moving forward?

We work to exist and live and laugh and love and share in joys despite all odds

The future may appear bleak

The forces that be may be wrong

But we are the makers of our own story.

Let’s fight for our rights

In ways big or small

Fight with kindness rather than fear

Lead by example.

I was taught to leave things better than I found them

Let’s live by that principle

Change the world

Take care of it

Be better to others

Make a world where all can thrive

Not just one.

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