When I opened Vanillamore’s front door on Bloomfield Avenue in Montclair, New Jersey, the smell of roasted marshmallows and chicken smacked me in the face. It was a surprising combination, …
Say Goodbye to Midnight Food Runs to Red Hawk Diner with New Dining Service Changes
by Amira Lawsonby Amira LawsonOn a late night after enjoying an outing with friends, the closing of a late shift from work or a walk from your night class to your dorm, Montclair State …
Book ReviewsFeatureFoodHomepage Feature Story
University Alumnus and Writer Highlights Red Hawk Diner in New Book
by Zoe Nolzby Zoe NolzThe book “Stories from New Jersey Diners – Monuments to Community,” written by Montclair State University alumnus Michael Gabriele, collects unique memories from diners all over New Jersey. Gabriele is …
Growing up, my Italian family designated Sunday as our pasta day in which we were guaranteed to have pasta and eat a long family meal. So naturally, pasta is my …
613 Valley Road in Upper Montclair is an address that should be known to every student at Montclair State University. Occupying this space is the Montclair Diner, a small, community-based …
This semester, a group of four Montclair State University seniors are implementing skills acquired throughout their degree programs in order to help their peers. Throughout their time in college, they …
On Oct. 21, the School of Communication and Media (SCM) held a lecture style panel of professors and students who discussed the various ways media has affected food deserts across …
The modern dining room felt warm and inviting as I was led through the restaurant by the waitress. Christmas lights and contemporary art on the wall followed me to my …