It took a shot from deep outside the box from sophomore midfielder Chisom Onyewuenyi in order for the Montclair State University women’s soccer team to win their first New Jersey …
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BasketballHomepage Latest StoriesHomepage NewsSports
On Top of the World: Women’s Basketball Taylor Brown Wins NJAC Player of the Year
by Matt Orthby Matt OrthMaking multiple appearances in the NCAA Division III Tournament. Winning the New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) championship along with other appearances within the NJAC Playoffs. Breaking records and having top …
Focus Racial JusticeHomepage Latest StoriesHomepage NewsNationalNews
#FocusRacialJustice: A Foreigner in His Own Land: Seven Months in ICE Detention as a U.S. Citizen
by Julian Riggby Julian Rigg“Sorry, everything’s been so crazy, we’ve been renovating our house,” Shakoure Charpentier said as he walked into his small home office. But for someone who was just released from a …
FeatureHomepage Latest StoriesHomepage NewsProfessors and Staff Highlights
Montclair State Professor and National Geographic Explorer Shares Her Passion for Madagascar
by Zoe Nolzby Zoe NolzLike many other professors, Dr. Cortni Borgerson, 36, an assistant professor of anthropology, enjoys traveling to campus and lecturing students on a subject about which she is passionate. But unlike …
Homepage Latest StoriesHomepage NewsSoccerSports
Photo Essay: Men’s Soccer Defeats Rutgers-Camden in NJAC Semifinals
The Montclair State University men’s soccer team defeated the Rutgers-Camden Scarlet Raptors in the New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) semifinal at the Montclair State Soccer Park on April 10 by …
EntertainmentHomepage Latest StoriesHomepage News
Montclair State University Students Participate in Live Taping of ‘The Tamron Hall Show’
On Tuesday, April 13, Montclair State University students were given the opportunity to be part of a live virtual taping of “The Tamron Hall Show,” a daytime television show featuring …
Homepage Latest StoriesHomepage NewsLocalNews
One Week Later: The Town Halls on Resident Life Reforms
Two town halls were held via Zoom to discuss the current situation at Montclair State University on Wednesday afternoon, April 14, and Thursday evening, April 15. These meetings featured important …
EntertainmentHomepage Latest StoriesHomepage News
Montclair State Alumnus Daniil Krimer is Artistic Director of ‘Security’
by Megan Limby Megan LimMoving out to New York City after graduation, working as a waiter and auditioning for projects he ultimately didn’t book, Daniil Krimer’s journey to where he is today falls nothing …