Erasure, commonly seen in many LGBTQ sexualities and gender identities, is the act of erasing something. As much as sexuality and gender are fluid, and as progressive as our society …
Whether you’re a commuter or a resident, getting around at Montclair State University’s campus is time-consuming and difficult, mostly due to the university’s shuttle services. They often make transportation around …
On April 14, Rutgers University New Brunswick announced President Barack Obama would grace their graduation festivities as their commencement speaker. Rutgers students took to social media to express their excitement …
College means papers, which means doing research, submitting outlines and annotated bibliographies, peer reviews and actually writing the paper. After weeks of stress and large chunks of hair missing from …
#UnfairAndLovely day is May 4! Let’s talk about our personal experiences with colorism, self love, and beauty standards💕 | art by @nicklackeart A photo posted by Unfair & Lovely (@unfairandlovely_) …
Over the years, students have been told over and over that participation is necessary for getting the best education possible. This repetition makes it seem as though participating is the …
For certain concert goers and artists alike, social media sites this past weekend have made many green with envy. The Coachella 2016 Festival, breaking a record of 120,000 attendees, took …
Students at Montclair State University love to express their opinions about the injustices they see in the campus community, but this Friday saw low turnout to one of the most …