Home NewsLocal Authorities Identify Hit-and-Run Vehicle Type

Authorities Identify Hit-and-Run Vehicle Type

by Montclarion News

Anna Semioli remains in critical condition after being struck by a vehicle last week
Photo courtesy of Gina Semioli via Facebook

Police have narrowed down a description of the vehicle which struck Montclair State University student Anna Semioli last Friday, leaving her critically injured and fighting for her life.

Residents of Montclair and the surrounding areas have been asked to be on the lookout for a “dark-colored pick-up truck, possibly a Ford F-150” with recent damage on the front bumper, according to a press release issued by Clifton Police Department on Wednesday.

Local businesses were urged to check their security camera footage from 11:40 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 9 into the early hours of Friday, Oct. 10 when Semioli, a Senior Accounting major due to graduate in the spring, was hit and left on the side of the road.

Police Chief Paul M. Cell sent out an email on the morning of Thursday, Oct. 15 to ask again for information from the campus community. In his email, Cell asked that anyone who was with Semioli near Fenwick Hall on Oct. 9 from 11 to 11:30 p.m. contact the police. He also said that anyone with information about the supposed vehicle is asked to come forward to the police and urged the campus community to be on the lookout for any vehicles of this type which have been recently damaged or suddenly out of use.

“We remain steadfast in our thoughts and prayers for Anna and her family and know sincerely that our community is a community that cares for one another,” Cell wrote, “so please take into consideration that your information may help in some way.”

Semioli’s family renewed their pleas for anyone with information on the person responsible to come forward, offering a $10,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest.

Gina Semioli, sister of the victim, said to The Montclarion on Tuesday night, “I find it very unlikely that no one on campus saw her that night.”  She said that finding out who was responsible is very important to the family, but did not wish to speak about her sister’s condition.

Semioli remains hospitalized at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Paterson, where her family surrounds her and hopes for a miracle.

“I feel like there could be something suspicious from this,” said childhood friend Gianna Martino to CBS New York. “It could really be just foul play.”  In response to the suspicions expressed by Martina, Gina Semioli responded, “It’s all just speculation at this point. We really don’t know anything.”

Dr. Karen Pennington, Vice President of Student Development and Campus Life, said in a statement to The Montclarion, “We were very saddened to learn of this tragic accident involving Anna Semioli and our thoughts are with her and her family during this very difficult time.  As our Police Department has requested, if anyone has information, please contact them as soon as possible. We know that events such as this one can affect friends and classmates.  If anyone needs to speak to someone about how they are feeling or responding to this situation, please contact the Dean of Students or CAPS. We are always here to help.”

Anyone with information regarding the hit-and-run is urged to contact University Police, Officer Derek Fogg or Officer Vincent Larosa of the Clifton Police Traffic Division at 973-470-5905 or Detective Tim McConnell of the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office at 973-837-7641.

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