One-time visitors as well as those interested in joining the debate club can register at any time.
Photo Credit: Nathaly Soriano
Montclair State has re-opened its debate club doors for the first time since the 1970s and right on time for the presidential election.
The debate club officially started with its first meeting last month. It is designed for avid debaters, people who are introverted and want to get out of their comfort zone, those who just like to argue and everyone in between.
“I want to join the debate club because I see myself as an introverted person and would like to come out of my shell and be open,” said Davonna Barber. “I feel like this is a good way to force myself out of it.”
The debate club currently has open registration for anyone who wants to join and is also open to one-time visitors who just want to check out the club.
The club aims to establish a place where ideas may be generated and debated. Still, its main purpose is to hold disputes over important worldwide topics in a formal debate manner.
“I created this club to help establish a place where you are all given the leeway to express yourselves in an educated way,” said Professor Marylou Naumoff. “Learning to debate and argue in a professional manner will help benefit your future. Life is full of arguable propositions. Also, it is important to help bring awareness of current events to the table. I am here to offer guidance.”
The club is working on getting sponsored and funded to hold many different events such as public debates. They plan on competing in friendly debates outside on bright sunny days in front of the Student Center or at the amphitheater for everyone to see. They also plan on eventually competing in school versus school debates.
Members hope to partake in statewide debates against surrounding colleges and universities such as Rutgers University, Kean University and William Paterson University. They also wish to eventually compete nationwide. All students concluded that they are in it for the experience and desire to learn and better themselves.
Skills taught and polished in the debate club include teamwork, critical thinking, effective communication, independent research, working on a speaking voice and many more tools that can serve you in your business and personal life.
Exploring worldwide issues is something that the club is seeking to tackle on their journey in the group. Most of the members agreed that their peers are more concerned about Apple launching its new iPhone instead of politics and the economy, and this is something they want to work on.
The club meets Fridays in Morehead Hall room 204 at 3:30 for anyone interested in attending.