Home NewsLocal The Newest with NEST: Direct Deposit eRefund

The Newest with NEST: Direct Deposit eRefund

by Montclarion News
Photo courtesy of kenteegardin (Flickr)

Photo courtesy of kenteegardin (Flickr)

The Office of Student Accounts at Montclair State University is offering a newTouchNet eRefund system, which provides easy access for student’s funds to be transferred directly into their personal savings or checking accounts.
Beginning this semester, Montclair State University is utilizing the eRefund direct deposit system to the fullest extent. The system gives students the capability to manage their banking account through an online environment, which is NEST.

The eRefund system derived from NEST, which is the new web portal for all services offered to students and faculty staff.

Students don’t have to make special visits to the Office of Student Accounts or fill out any documents to sign up.
The eRefund enrollment process can simply be completed by logging into the NEST web portal, going to the application on the portal website and choosing the direct deposit linkage.

Students can also visit the Office of Students Accounts website and access the hyperlink to get detail instructions on how to setup this electronic arrangement.

“It’s a good step in the right direction for students to enroll in this time-saving electronic arrangement system. It definitely makes it more convenient for students to receive, deposit and cash their checks,” said Catlin Spinach, a senior humanties major.

The new system eliminates students’ uncertainties of not receiving their refund checks through the mail or possibilities of it being misdirected in the process.

TouchNet’s eRefund system is free of charge and saves students the difficulties of having to make additional trips home to retrieve their check or to their financial institution to make transactions.

Students can have their funds transferred into their personal account immediately.

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