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Red Hawks Thank Alumni and Donors

by Montclarion News

Tables across campus facilitated card-signing for donors.
Photo Credit: Carly Phelps

For the third consecutive year, Montclair State University honored alumni and donors who support the school through Red Hawk Day of Thanks on Feb. 25.

State aid for the school has fallen to less than 20 percent, therefore a wide range of monetary support comes from previous graduates of Montclair State.

The Council for Advancement and Support Education (CASE) is a national association designed to help institutions build up relationships with donors and alumni. CASE also helps on behalf of marketing, communications and fundraising. They established the month of February as Student Engagement and Philanthropy Month, and universities throughout the nation celebrate the people who make attending a progressive university possible. This year, the number tallied to over 100 participating institutions in the United States as well as Italy, Canada, Australia and other countries.


Photo Credit: Carly Phelps

Donations made by these individuals include scholarships, endowments for faculty chairs, professors, lectures, renovations made to classrooms, labs, facilities on campus, new technologies provided on campus and cultural and educational resources. Stacy Albanese, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, reiterated the importance of donations: “Each and every gift, regardless of its size, represents the loyal and dedicated support of many members of our community. Contributions from our donors are at the core of Montclair State’s ability to provide an excellent education that prepares our students to be productive, enlightened and engaged citizens.”

At Montclair State, the Student Alumni Council (STAT) along with the Office of Alumni Relations worked together to create activity stations to educate and encourage people to learn more about STAT and the Senior Class Gift Committee. Education stations were placed all over campus at locations in Machuga Heights, Panzer Athletic Stadium, Memorial Auditorium, Feliciano School of Business, Dickson Hall, The Center for Life and Environmental Sciences, University Hall and the Student Center.

At each activity station, students were able to sign cards as well as a large “Thank You” poster, which will be displayed at homecoming and other major events taking place on campus. Students were invited to participate in making videos showing their appreciation as well. In social media contests, the facilitators focused on getting student to use the hashtag #RedHawkDayofThanks to become a trend on as many social media platforms as possible.

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