Home NewsLocal Students Respond to Terrorist Attacks in Paris

Students Respond to Terrorist Attacks in Paris

by Montclarion Sports
Paris Vigil

Students lit candles at a last night’s vigil in remembrance of victims of terrorism.
Photo Credit: Patrick Eskay

In the wake of the terrorist attack on Paris, France on Friday, Nov. 13, several Montclair State University student organizations have expressed sympathy for the great loss as well as support for individuals still in the city, two of whom are current students in Montclair State’s study abroad program.

Directly following the shooting and bombing incidents, the students studying in Paris were accounted for. Suzanne Bronski, director of Media Relations, confirmed that “both are safe.”


Students gathered in the Student Center Quad to stand with Paris.
Photo Credit: Patrick Eskay

“The students and my office, received updates from CEA [Cultural Experiences Abroad] and ISA [International Studies Abroad]—the providers of the programs in Paris, with offices in Paris— immediately and regularly since Friday with information about the attacks, safety in Paris, instructions for students and additional links for resources and information, including how to reach the US Embassy,” said Domenica Dominguez, the Director of Study Abroad and International Programs at Montclair State.

Theta Xi held a candlelight vigil in the Student Center Quad last night as a tribute to the lives lost in Paris as well as in other cases of terrorism and violence around the world. The vigil, sponsored by the Center for Student Involvement, Le Cercle Francois and the French Department, welcomed individuals of every different racial and religious background to unite in remembrance of the victims of recent tragedies.

Post a Prayer

Students posted prayers on the Student Center windows.
Photo Credit: Jayna Gugliucci

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship’s “Post a Prayer” displayed on the windows of the Student Center allowed students to hang up post-its listing their prayers for the world. Many showed their support for Paris by writing about peace and safety for France and other recently targeted nations.

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