The mug shot of Steve Medina, the 23-year-old man arrested last Tuesday for harassing a female student outside Machuga Heights residence hall, was released by University Police this week.
The incident occurred Thursday, Sept. 24. According to the complaint as relayed by the Little Falls Municipal Court, the charges against Medina are “improper behavior” and “sexual harassment.”
His case is scheduled to be heard in Little Falls Municipal Court on Oct. 14 at 4 p.m. Lieutenant Keiran Barrett of the University Police Department said that cases of this nature last 3 to 6 months before the outcome is determined.
Regarding the two unresolved cases from that same week, Barrett said, “The victims in the other cases could not identify Medina as the person who committed their particular offenses. This does not assume that it could or could not be him, but currently the cases are open and continue to be investigated.”
UPD Released Mugshot of Harassment Arrestee
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