Home NewsLocal US News and World Report: Montclair State in Top 200

US News and World Report: Montclair State in Top 200

by Montclarion News
The bell tower in the modern day. Photo Credit: Victoria Testa

Photo Credit: Victoria Testa

Montclair State University was ranked as one of the top 200 schools in the United States for 2017 by US News & World Report magazine. The publication gives background, tuition, academic and student life, campus safety and services at the university and breaks down each category with graphs and charts to accompany the data collected.

US News and World Report gives the history of Montclair State dating back to 1908, along with mentioning the school’s mission and unique qualities. The website explains why they release ranking data each year: “We do it to help you make one of the most important decisions of your life.”

The breakdown and status of each school is judged by a variety of categories, such as comparisons between cost of tuition for commuters and those who dorm, a 70 percent acceptance rate, no SAT/ACT requirements, academic life, detailing class sizes, which average between twenty and fifty students per class, and a close proximity to possible jobs in New York City.

The site also places emphasis on the questions that plague recent high school graduates: to pursue a degree or not?

The website affirms that a college degree still proves to have certain benefits: “The higher the level of education achieved, the lower the unemployment rate is for that group. In other words, people with doctorates or professional degrees in fields such as medicine or law have far lower unemployment rates than those who didn’t finish high school or didn’t finish any college.”

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