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Clicking “Post” One Last Time

by Emma Barber

A year and a half ago I was at a completely different university, imagining that’s where I’d be graduating from. My life took quite a sudden turn when I decided to transfer to Montclair State University, but my experience at The Montclarion is one of the things that makes me so glad that this is where I ended up.

I could have transferred here and met all the wrong people and had no fulfilling experiences. Everything could have gone so wrong, but when I was asked to be on The Montclarion social media team, everything went so right.

Being The Montclarion’s social media manager has been so fulfilling for one reason only: the staff. The editors and the rest of the staff writers are truly some of the most talented people I’ve ever met. I am in awe of Hannah Effinger’s graphic design, Katie Lawrence’s videos, Lynise Olivacce’s photography, and all around everyone’s wittiness, humor and natural ability to make such a great paper every week. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to share everyone’s work with the world of social media.

Also – shoutout to Crystal Durham for making such creative and polished graphics for our social channels. I’ve gotten so many compliments on how great our feed looks – and that was all you!

I have had the privilege of meeting so many wonderful people since I transferred here. I want to thank Hannah Effinger, Emma Caughlan, Jenna Sundel… and well, honestly, everyone on this team for being so kind to me and making me feel so welcome. I am so appreciative of this experience and am so, so happy to be taking these memories with me through graduation.

In ten years, I’ll still be bragging about how I worked with some of the most talented writers and creators I’ve ever met. This is only the beginning for you all – and I can’t wait to see the amazing things you do!

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