Home Opinion Our Final Goodbyes to The Montclarion

Our Final Goodbyes to The Montclarion

by Katherine Tasheff


Former Editor-in-Chief

Catherine Baxter, Former Editor-in-Chief

For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been working with The Montclarion all four years of college, starting out as a News Writer and working my way up the ranks from News Editor to Managing Editor and finally ending my college career as Editor-in-Chief.
For the past four years, every one of my Wednesdays have been full of pulling out my hair, staring at a computer screen and calling/emailing people while I try and meet my deadlines. However, it’s also been full of late-night laughing fits about nothing that’s even funny, pranking other editors and putting together a product to be proud of.
Whenever a freshmen goes to orientation and first starts college, there is one theme that is constantly drilled into their heads: get involved on campus. While there are many students who do immediately get involved, there are enough who brush off the suggestion and ignore the different organizations that are looking to recruit new members. If I could only leave one piece of advice to any incoming students – or current students – it would be to take those suggestions and get involved in whatever it is that you’re passionate about.
Through my time with The Montclarion, Residence Life, Colleges Against Cancer and more, I have learned so many things about myself and being able to work on a team. The skills I’ve developed and the relationships I’ve built will not only help me succeed in graduate school, but throughout my future career.
I’m going to miss my fellow Montclarion staff members so much once I’m gone, but everything I’ve learned with them and from them lets me know that I’m leaving the paper in good hands. Milkdud and I are on our way out, but I have the greatest faith in next year’s staff for keeping our traditions alive.

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