Home OpinionEditorial Thankful to Have The Montclarion in My (Copy) Corner

Thankful to Have The Montclarion in My (Copy) Corner

by Ariel Rogg

The one singular regret I have from my Montclarion experience is that I didn’t join the team sooner.

Coming into college, I was so eager to take on any and all leadership positions that would have me. High school wasn’t the best adventure for me and I’ve always been determined to make this university my second chance, my second home. It’s safe to say I’ve learned more about who I am and what I have to offer, and it’s been nothing short of fulfilling.

Being a journalism major, I’ve always been passionate about learning others’ stories and playing a role in telling them. But for a while, I felt like I didn’t deserve my place in the program.

I applied and interviewed just like everyone else, but I felt behind or not as advanced, and I thought that made me lesser than.

In reality, everyone moves at their own pace and has something special to bring to the table, whether you have all the experience in the world or none at all. Comparison is the thief of joy. There’s a place for everyone as long as you’re willing to seek it. It took until my senior year to realize it, but better late than never.

I think my insecurity kept me from joining The Montclarion team for such a long time, with the feeling that I wouldn’t belong, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I can’t help but imagine what college could have really looked like had I been at The Montclarion earlier in my college career.

Never in my life have I felt so welcomed, accepted and appreciated by a group of people in such a short amount of time.

It’s easy to feel anxious or nervous about coming on board with people that you don’t know because you don’t know what to expect. I definitely didn’t expect to instantly add such genuine and supportive people to my life as soon as I stepped into the room.

Everyone here wants you to succeed and you can feel it when you’re around them.

Even though it might seem like I’m hiding in my little copy corner, I’m so immensely grateful to have been in this position and gotten the time that I did. Because of my experience with The Montclarion, I feel more empowered and excited to try new things and put myself out there, even if I don’t have it all figured out.

Corey Annan—thank you for nudging me for several years to get involved with the paper. It took way too long but I’m glad I finally took that leap. Thank you for absolutely everything, for being in my corner and for always hyping up my abilities even when I didn’t think I had them.

Also, thank you to my co-copy queen Nathaly Martinez for having me on the team and being the best to work alongside this semester. You’re the sweetest and the greatest!

Thank you to the entire editorial board for welcoming me with open arms and making me feel so valued, it means more than you can know.

Good luck to next year’s copy queen Kim Lamparello, you’re gonna kill it!

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