Men and women are not only different because of their gender but also due to their varying experiences. While both men and women can become victims of sexual harassment and …
the montclarion
For students, time is valuable during the semester. They are either trying to get to class on time, studying and trying to find internships or extracurricular activities to fill up …
In the wake of recent events, Pennsylvania Supreme Court released a disheartening investigative report regarding children being sexually assaulted by some Catholic priests. The extensive report consisted of 300 priests …
It’s like the B-52’s “Rock Lobster” makes sense now (you don’t have to add this teaser, but I thought it was funny.)
Meeting new people on campus can be difficult, especially when everyone is bopping around with headphones on or running to class. With dating apps like Tinder and Grindr, it makes …
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Challenge Your Thoughts and Open Your Mind
by Aj Melilloby Aj MelilloOn a cool day in the winter of 2016, I arrived at Montclair State University with my anxiety at an all-time high. That being said, I am not really an …
Whether you are getting coffee, sitting around waiting for a command or fitting in an office day on your only day without classes, you have successfully entered the struggling intern …
The spring semester is slowly coming to an end and students are diligently studying for all of their finals. From studying in Harry A. Sprague Library until 3 a.m. to …