Home Feature The Bosphorus: Delicious, Affordable Mediterranean

The Bosphorus: Delicious, Affordable Mediterranean

by Kevin Saez
cold appetizer plate
cold appetizer plate

The appetizer plate at The Bosphorus, which includes four spreads.
Photo Credit: Ariel Belisle Contreras-Leong

Often, people within the New Jersey area will flock over the bridge towards New York City to obtain some good eats. Yes, the city certainly does have its appeal from food to entertainment, but given the opportunity to look deeper, one may find that towns surrounding the university are home to unique, delectable and highly overlooked little gems.

One of those great finds is none other than The Bosphorus. Approximately fifteen minutes away from campus, nestled between the Nutley Diner and Franklin’s Steakhouse lies this piece of Mediterranean heaven.

First off, one of the most important factors of The Bosphorus is their ever-so-friendly staff members who bring so much warmth to the overall ambiance. The next factors, which go hand in hand, are of course their ability to pay special attention to the authenticity of the dishes offered, as well as the appealing price ranges. There is nothing better than enjoying a succulent meal without having to dish out a large sum of money.

The adana plate makes a good entree. Photo Credit: Ariel Belisle Contreras-Leong

The adana plate makes a good entree.
Photo Credit: Ariel Belisle Contreras-Leong

At The Bosophorus, pretty much anything goes. Whatever seems appealing to the eye is definitely worth a try. However, to start off the meal, opt for their cold appetizer, which contains an assortment of four different Turkish spreads, baba ganoush, labna, hummus and an olive spread, accompanied by hot Turkish pide squares.

As a main course the adana plate is a must. This dish is a combination of specially marinated chopped meat on skewers along with Turkish fries, rice, grilled vegetables and labna, all for a whopping $13.99.

Tiramisu is the perfect choice to finish off your meal. Photo Credit: Ariel Belisle Contreras-Leong

Tiramisu is the perfect choice to finish off your meal.
Photo Credit: Ariel Belisle Contreras-Leong

In the rare case that there are still some empty spaces in the stomach that need to be tended to, their rich and fluffy tiramisu is not a half bad-idea.

No matter what leads you to such a place, one thing is certain; your dining experience at The Bosphorus is guaranteed to be pleasing from beginning to end.

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