Home NewsLocal Animal Activist Gene Baur Visits Montclair State

Animal Activist Gene Baur Visits Montclair State

by Michael Edwards

Animal activist Gene Baur, spoke to students about his history with activism.
Michael Edwards | The Montclarion

Gene Baur, an activist for animal rights and the food movement, gave a presentation to the Montclair State University community in the Student Center Ballrooms in the afternoon on Friday, Oct. 6.

The event began with Baur giving a speech on animal rights and explaining how to save animals. He spoke about going vegan and suggested making small changes, like drinking almond milk, to gradually move toward a safer environment for animals. He said these changes promote animal safety and help the environment in general.


A small crowd of students sat in the Student Center Ballrooms to see animal activist Gene Baur.
Michael Edwards | The Montclarion

“This event spoke to me as I’m an avid activist of healthier and better options at Sam’s [Place] dining hall,” said junior Jered Zelikovsky.

Both vegan and meat-eater students came to the event to learn about animal activism and welfare.

“Having worked in a McDonald’s before, I understand and relate to this fully,” said sophomore Nick Ramos. “While I do eat meat, it definitely made me look at the consumption differently.”

Some residential students, like Frank Dolan, a resident assistant in Blanton, look for places on campus that serve plant-based choices.

“I usually go to Freeman [Hall] for vegan options,” Dolan said. “The fact that Sam’s might give us vegan options makes this campus that much better.”

Students were allowed to ask questions after Baur finished his presentation.

“This event was full of passion and it’s refreshing to see that people still have that care in the world towards animals,” said sophomore Nate Cottrell.


Montclair Animal Activist executive board members and adviser David Del Principe talk to the crowd during the presentation.
Michael Edwards | The Montclarion

This event was sponsored by the Montclair Animal Activists, an organization on campus that promotes the well-being of animals and the environment. The event was also co-sponsored with Alpha Chi Rho, Delta Xi Delta, Femvolution, Environmental Club and MSU Acapella.

“We are a very open group,” said Vice President of Montclair Animal Activists Erin O’Connell. “We are a support group as much as an activist group.”


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