Home NewsLocal Crossing Guards Arrive at CarParc Diem

Crossing Guards Arrive at CarParc Diem

by Montclarion News
Crossing Guard
Crossing Guard

Student crossing guards guide traffic outside of CarParc Diem.
Photo Credit: Carly Phelps

Montclair State University implemented two pedestrian crossing guards at the crosswalks outside of CarParc Diem on Tuesday, Dec. 1.

This safety initiative was launched by the University Police Department (UPD) in order to prevent accidents on campus, as there is a high volume of motorists and pedestrians in that area, increasing the likelihood of unintended crashes. The crossing guards are current Montclair State students who work approximately 10 hours a week Monday through Friday and get paid 10 dollars per hour.

According to the job description, the campus crossing guards’ responsibilities include directing traffic, escorting pedestrians across the street, guiding traffic where the Chief of Police determines is necessary, spreading awareness of traffic laws and warning people in the area of potential hazardous conditions.

According to the University Police Department, “We have listened to our community regarding their concerns for safety in this area.” Guards will be on location at peak times to ensure the safety of the pedestrians and prevent motorist collisions.

UPD hopes this initiative makes the Montclair State community safer and educates everyone on the laws of the road. Both motorists and pedestrians are required by law in the state of New Jersey to follow the direction of crossing guards and this is no different with student crossing guards.

According to non-student Eve Gutman, a resident of Montclair who has attended various events on campus over the past two months, “Driving to Montclair State is always such a hassle and it seems very exasperating to have to deal with the parking situation every time you go to class. I think a crossing guard would decrease the frustration of drivers and increase the safety of pedestrians.”

With the potential snow and ice in the coming months, driving and walking may become more hazardous at times and the crossing guards are a way to make the streets safer for everyone using them, while also giving students more employment opportunities.

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