Home NewsLocal Election Day 2016: Live Updates as Montclair State Goes to the Polls

Election Day 2016: Live Updates as Montclair State Goes to the Polls

by Daniel Falkenheim

Thousands of Montclair State students are going to the polls on Tuesday – some for the first time – to vote in the presidential race between Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump that has been filled with unexpected twists and turns.

Besides casting their vote for president, New Jerseyans will decide on two ballot questions, as well as congressional and many local races. The polls close in New Jersey at 8 p.m.

Throughout the day, The Montclarion will be providing updates on the election.


2:30 a.m. – It’s a wrap. Trump has been elected president.

12:04 a.m. – The viewing party ended at midnight and everybody has been kicked out of the room.

11:43 p.m. – The room is quiet, and the reality of a Trump presidency is starting to set in for many Montclair State students.

“It’s not funny anymore,” freshman biology major  Carmen Rosario said.

Freshman Angela Williams, who has been at the viewing party for hours, says she’s now feeling “very sad.”

“I feel like I’m going to have an anxiety attack,” Williams said.

11:21 p.m. – It’s almost midnight, but there are still close to 70 students at the election night watch party.

10:52 p.m. – Shades of the 2000 election:

10:28 p.m. – Fox News calls Ohio for Trump and Colorado for Clinton. Ohio has picked the winner of the last 13 presidential elections.

10:13 p.m. – An ominous tweet earlier in the night from Clinton (key word: “whatever happens tonight”):

9:58 p.m. – Fox News calls Virginia for Clinton.

9:35 p.m. – The race is still way too close to call:

9:23 p.m. – But, the room isn’t entirely filled with Clinton supporters:

9 p.m. – There’s a whole lot of Clinton supporters at the election night viewing party:

8:23 p.m. – Montclair State students are packed inside of University Hall’s 7th floor Conference Center for an election night viewing party.

8 p.m. – New Jersey polls have closed. Now we wait.

6:24 p.m. – Students voting on and off campus had a lot to say

When asked how she felt about this election, Dalton Snider-Smith, a film major voting in Machuga, responded: “It was a perfect demonstration of how flawed the two-party system is, because it was just mudslinging and propaganda with very little fact for some of these articles that were coming out of major news sources, so it wasn’t really as informative as it could be and it was a lot violent than it should be.”
She continued, sharing her speculation on the outcome: “I think Hillary Clinton is probably going to win and potentially we might make history in the fact that we might have a big enough percentage voting for a third party candidates that they will be taken more seriously next year and they will get certain privileges that they need and that we can use and that can start to move towards not so much a two-party system.”
Throughout the day, shuttles were busing students to and from a Clifton voting location off campus.
Fiorella Medina, The Montclarion’s co-chief copy editor, sat with student Anna Krasner on the bus and asked who she was voting for. This was her response:

 2:08 p.m. – More student reactions from Machuga:

“I didn’t vote because I’m not registered but I’m all for Hillary, all for girl power, so I’m excited for her,” law major Madison Patel said. “Hopefully we’ll find out that she wins today. This election has been pretty funny, it’s been kind of chaotic today. It’s finally the day where we have to decide so I’m kind of nervous but I’m excited to see who wins.”

1:37 p.m. – Free voting swag makes the whole process better

1:35 p.m. – These two Montclair State students are both named Carlos, and both of them also happened to vote for Clinton

12:50 p.m. – Awije Bahrami, The Montclarion’s entertainment editor, was at Machuga getting reactions from students.

Here’s what biology major Marvin Durand had to say: “I just voted but, honestly, I don’t like either of the candidates. But I think one candidate can deal with certain issues like Black Lives Matter and women’s issues better than the other candidate.”

12:35 p.m. – The line at the Machuga polling station stretches out the door

11:56 a.m. – Lines are short at Clifton Public School 16

11:41 a.m. – Maybe Girl Scouts can help bring the country together?

9:30 a.m. – Registered to vote on campus? Montclair State has the information you need to vote today.

8 a.m. Six students tell The Montclarion who they will be voting for. And, just like the rest of the country, they are split:

“Trump; my family is all republican,” said accounting student Danielle Sena, pictured above sitting outside the Feliciano School of Business. “That’s all I hear every single day. My dad is a councilman in my town [Hamburg], so he kind of formed my opinion in parties before I was even in high school. He brought my sister and I up to think more toward that side.”

“Hillary; I can’t stand Trump,” said psychology student Sabila Nazim. “He is a joke, honestly.”

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