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First Presidential Debate Leaves Students Unsure

by Montclarion News
The presidential candidates argued over race, immigration, and terrorism in the first of three debates. Photo credit: Alex Gamboa

The presidential candidates argued over race, immigration, and terrorism in the first of three debates.
Photo credit: Alex Gamboa

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off in the first presidential debate on Monday night at Hofstra University. Montclair State University held a viewing party to watch the debate in Brantl Lounge in Dickson Hall. Two giant pizzas were served to attract students, and around 40 were present in the lecture hall.

The debate covered topics of “America’s Direction,” “Achieving Prosperity,” and “Securing America.” According to many polls, Clinton won the debate by a large margin. However according to Fox News, online votes show Trump as the definitive winner.

A handful of the faculty and students from the School of Communication and Media also held a conversation on Twitter during the course of the debate using#MSUdebate16.

The overall sentiment among those who participated in the Twitter discussion was that Trump said some ridiculous things and lost the debate. One professor felt that there was no winner in the debate. “This went off rails and was largely nonsensical. Very little substance,” said Professor Thomas Franklin in a tweet.

Some students also expressed discontent with the way the debate went.

“Who needs comedians when the debate was the biggest joke I’ve ever witnessed,” said student Anthony Ramone.

“All the accusations and repetition got boring. I just hope the rest of the world knows [Clinton and Trump] don’t represent us all.”

Many people feel that we have been left with two poor choices for the next president.

“If life is about making decisions I don’t want to make this one,” said student Anyely Avila.

There will be at least two more debates between the two candidates coming up in October. Both candidates will have to work to continue trying to win over supporters who might still be on the fence.

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