As the Student Center is undergoing renovations in the second floor cafeteria, students can also expect an addition on top of the new eateries: an ADA accessible ramp in the north entrance of the building, near the Ballroom and Dining Room.
Construction began on Friday Sept. 4 and will continue until Sept. 25, according to an email which the Student Development and Campus Life department sent out to students and faculty last week.
The email did not specify the reasoning behind the construction of this new entranceway, but Vice President of University Facilities Greg Bressler said that the ramp is related to the construction on the cafeteria.
“The NJ Uniform Construction Code approval of the dining room project required a second accessible means to/from the Student Center be provided,” Bressler said. The ramp therefore fulfills this construction code requirement.
Making another ADA accessible entrance at the Student Center is part of a campus-wide ongoing project to make the university more accessible to individuals with disabilities, said Bressler. Now, those who want to access the second floor of the Student Center don’t have to rely on the elevator to try the new food in the cafeteria. At the end of the month, they will be able to reach the area via the new entrance.
Vice President of Student Development and Campus Life Karen Pennington also shared her thoughts on the construction project. “It is a very welcome addition to the building,” she said, “and we look forward to making it easier for students and visitors to enter the building on the north side.”
New Ramp to Provide Access to Individuals with Disabilities