Although Montclair State University is not a sanctuary campus, President Cole assured the commitment of the university to support immigrant students.
Photo by Victoria Testa
Before the spring classes ended for the summer, President Susan Cole notified students
and faculty via email on Tuesday, May 2 to reiterate school policies in place regarding
undocumented immigrants. She highlighted the university’s commitment to support
immigrant students and urged those traveling abroad to be cautious.
Although Montclair State administration previously addressed adopting an official title as
a “sanctuary campus” this past semester in SGA meetings, President Cole wrote, “The
past few months have been an anxious and confusing time for many of our international
and immigrant students and employees, and it is quite possible that there will continue to
be uncertainty in regard to immigration matters in the months ahead.”
Cities in the United States have been declaring the title of “sanctuary cities” after
President Trump’s recent executive orders regarding border policies and tightening
entrance into the United States. A sanctuary city is a city that limits cooperation with the
national government based on persecution of undocumented immigrants and current
immigration laws.
President Cole continued, “Montclair State University has not and will not discriminate
on the basis of immigration status.”
Cole states that the University Police Department will not inquire about the immigration
status of students, the university will not provide immigration status of students to federal
officials unless ordered by the courts, and she bolsters the university’s commitment to
maintain federal and state privacy laws.
She recognizes that the safety of the students and faculty has been a main cause of
concern after President Trump banned six countries from entering the United States, as
well as other laws which have tightened security at as well as inside America’s borders.
Though the school will not officially declare a title, administration and staff are to follow
specific guidelines when it comes to members of Montclair State who have traveled to
the United States, but may or may not have citizenship.
In closing, President Cole advised students to remain up to date on executive orders and
judicial decisions. She also provided contact information for Elizabeth Gill, Director of
international services at the global education center along with various links for reference
of legal issues.
University information on immigration matters as well as contact information can be
found on the website at https://www.montclair.edu/president/current-and- emerging-